Showing all 9 results
GL3 Channel Connector
£12.25£12.25 £14.70Add to basket£2.45 tax price
Staggered Stud Clip (SC1)
£21.50£21.50 £25.80Add to basket£4.30 tax price
Staggered Stud Clip (SC2)
£22.95£22.95 £27.54Add to basket£4.59 tax price
GL5 Channel To Timber Connector
£26.50£26.50 £31.80Add to basket£5.30 tax price
GL6 Timber Connector
£29.99£29.99 £35.99Add to basket£6.00 tax price
Shoe and Pan Set (P22A/B)
£35.95£35.95 £43.14Add to basket£7.19 tax price
Steel Partitioning Bracket
£46.08£46.08 £55.30Add to basket£9.22 tax price
Service Support Plate (18mm)
£62.98£62.98 £75.58Add to basket£12.60 tax price
Aluminium Partitioning Bracket
£74.67£74.67 £89.60Add to basket£14.93 tax price